The VSP Surgical Instrument Kit includes a perfect selection of surgical instruments just right when working with very small, delicate tissue. All of the instruments are made of high-quality, German stainless steel and are useful for procedures on birds, reptiles and small mammals. The combination of these surgical instruments is a VSP exclusive.
VSP Surgical Instrument Kit includes:
• 3-1/4″ Bishop Harmon 1×2 are very tiny and beneficial when working to minimize tissue trauma
• Derf needle holder provides a comfortable, secure grip on small needles
• Small abdominal retractor is perfect for retraction of small abdominal walls
• Cere/Nostril curette is useful with small mammals and birds, and in treating turtle abscesses
• 3-1/2″ mosquito hemostat Curved is gentle enough not to cause excessive tissue damage and small enough to maneuver in small areas
• Iris scissors are small and Straight to allow practitioners to focus on small delicate tissue
• VSP tissue elevator/retractor is a retractor for small fragile tissues on one side, and a tissue elevator and blunt dissector on the other side
Price: $124.99